Adi Eliyahu (dot blog) |
way too much about me, my thoughts, and what i see everyday |
at least for a little while. I've started using Vox and am really enjoying it, so I'm gonna stick with it through its beta and see if I really prefer it to Blogger. Ask me for my Vox address if you want it -- and give Vox a try -- it's all the best features of Blogger, LJ, MySpace, and MoveableType rolled into one. Amazing Flickr integration. Worth trying no matter what you use now. It's still in beta and invite only, so use the link on the site to say you are interested in signing up when they will have you.
This blog is turning into where I write down my weird dreams. And even that doesn't come up much... Anyhow, last night my dream started with me walking along a road in the Midwest somewhere with really tall grass that hadn't been cut on the side of the road. It was a sunny day, and clearly summer, but not so hot that it bothered me in the slightest. I walked a bit on the road and was greeted by my maternal grandfather. The first thing I said to him was "Well this is going to be an interesting dream, huh?" and he kinda nodded back or something. After that, I said "So what, I'm talking to myself now?" -- meaning that I knew I was dreaming, and knew my grandfather had been dead since I was 7, so clearly I was generating both sides of the conversation we were having. He responded with a rather long answer that was a bit metaphysical, and referenced reincarnation and something about "a thousand years" that I don't quite remember. In any event, I remember that, within the dream, I the answer led me to accept that, while I knew I was dream, I was still talking to my grandfather. Sadly, I forgot exactly what we talking about after that, I just remember walking with him along that road (totally empty, no cars or people) talking to him. I sometimes think of what I would say to him now, and more specifically, what he would say to me. He was without a doubt the closest person in the world to me growing up, and someone that I looked up to more than I've ever looked up to anyone. Just wanted to get this dream "on paper" so I can come back to it years from now.
Vitals My name is Adi I live in Haifa I am 25 years old I love pop-culture I enjoy wearing a tie I blog instead of email I share a birthday with Pink I am a terrible singer I almost never drink soda I almost never go barefoot I always wear black pants My AIM is: AdiEliyahu
On Repeat
On The Train
Required Reading
Heavy Rotation
Artist: Fiona Apple Song: Used To Love Him TV: Alias, 24, Lost Film: Spinal Tap Game: Stratego Sport: Basketball Program: Skype Clothes: Black Pants/T-Shirt Booze: Dry Red Wine Transportation: Public Location: Home Mood: Concerned