Adi Eliyahu (dot blog)
Adi Eliyahu (dot blog)
way too much about me, my thoughts, and what i see everyday
Friday, February 13, 2004

Scientology and pornography... 

Two stories of interest from Page Six... First, while whale-watching on a boat with other like-minded Scientologists, Tom Cruise got so excited by the whole thing that he "spontaneously flung himself into the water" to "play" with the whales. Upon investigation, Adi Eliyahu (dot blog) has learned that this seemingly bizarre move was inspired by an early screen test Mr. Cruise did for a never-made Flipper movie in the early 80's. Turns out Mr. Cruise learned how to talk to dolphins for the audition, but lost the part due to "lack of sexual chemistry" with the dolphin who had already been cast as Flipper's daughter. Apparently, Mr. Cruise thought that his experience with speaking to dolphins would help him communicate with whales, but was pulled from the water before he discovered that "I'm an overpaid two-dimensional actor who would like to play with you" in dolphin translates to "I'm an overpaid two-dimensional actor who would like to be eaten by you" in whale.

Also, we have the news that the infamous Paris Hilton tape is now available in its entirety on the internet for $50. Now, I can understand (only vaguely) that someone might not want to download an illegal copy of Lost In Translation or Return of the King for fear of getting sued, but to actually pay $50 for pornography just seems stupid. Is someone worried about the Pornographers of America taking them to court for illegal downloading? It's hard not to find pornography on the internet, so to actually pay for it just sounds to me like something a only guilty person would do to make himself feel better about having porn (cause at least they didn't steal it!).


My name is Adi
I live in Haifa
I am 25 years old
I love pop-culture
I enjoy wearing a tie
I blog instead of email
I share a birthday with Pink
I am a terrible singer
I almost never drink soda
I almost never go barefoot
I always wear black pants
My AIM is: AdiEliyahu

On Repeat

On The Train

Required Reading

  • Sarah's So-Called Sobriety
  • Lawrence/Opinions/Hotties
  • Stereogum
  • Her Name Is Meredith
  • Pink Is The New Blog
  • Lifehacker
  • Whatevs
  • Gawker
  • Gothamist
  • Page Six
  • Go Fug Yourself
  • The Onion
  • TWoP

  • Heavy Rotation

    Artist: Fiona Apple
    Song: Used To Love Him
    TV: Alias, 24, Lost
    Film: Spinal Tap
    Game: Stratego
    Sport: Basketball
    Program: Skype
    Clothes: Black Pants/T-Shirt
    Booze: Dry Red Wine
    Transportation: Public
    Location: Home
    Mood: Concerned


  • January 2004
  • February 2004
  • March 2004
  • April 2004
  • May 2004
  • June 2004
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  • August 2004
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