Adi Eliyahu (dot blog)
Adi Eliyahu (dot blog)
way too much about me, my thoughts, and what i see everyday
Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The fearless pigeon 

I was working on some tank-related business today when I stumbled upon the bravest pigeon I have ever seen in my 24 (but 25 tomorrow!) years. What, prey-tell, made this pigeon so brave? What made this pigeon brave, my friends, was that this pigeon was not afraid of humans. This may seem like no big deal to you, but when was the last time you met a pigeon that didn't fly away as soon as you got within six feet of it? I was impressed. It wasn't the best looking pigeon I've ever seen, but without a doubt the friendliest. I found the whole thing so interesting that I hung out with him for about 10 minutes just to see how much he would let me touch him or stand over him. Turns out the answer was "a lot." At first he would look at me when I went to pet him, but after a couple times even that ceased to get his (or maybe her) attention. Then I decided to try and be intimidating, so I stood over the brave bird (with my legs on either side of him), but he just looked at me for a second and decided that it was a good time to clean himself a bit. I dispelled the notion I had that it was only me that failed to scare him by getting one of my friends to come over and pet the bird. The bird didn't budge. I know I'm not intimidating, but I had to be sure that the pigeon didn't know that. I mean, it's one thing to not intimidate people when you need to, but when small, winged animals decide your not worth the trouble of using the ability to fly, it's time to admit that the army uniform isn't having the ability you thought. Or maybe the uniform just makes me so sexy that even pigeon are interested. Would that it were. Anyhow, I was in the middle of fixing some stuff and couldn't run and grab my camera, so I have no photographic evidence that this occurred, so you're just gonna have to take my word for it. In the end, that brave, little bird met his maker when his bravery became a liability and a tank ran him over. Okay, I made that last part up. The pigeon wasn't killed by a tank. The truth was that a tank came and the bird just flew away. The end.


My name is Adi
I live in Haifa
I am 25 years old
I love pop-culture
I enjoy wearing a tie
I blog instead of email
I share a birthday with Pink
I am a terrible singer
I almost never drink soda
I almost never go barefoot
I always wear black pants
My AIM is: AdiEliyahu

On Repeat

On The Train

Required Reading

  • Sarah's So-Called Sobriety
  • Lawrence/Opinions/Hotties
  • Stereogum
  • Her Name Is Meredith
  • Pink Is The New Blog
  • Lifehacker
  • Whatevs
  • Gawker
  • Gothamist
  • Page Six
  • Go Fug Yourself
  • The Onion
  • TWoP

  • Heavy Rotation

    Artist: Fiona Apple
    Song: Used To Love Him
    TV: Alias, 24, Lost
    Film: Spinal Tap
    Game: Stratego
    Sport: Basketball
    Program: Skype
    Clothes: Black Pants/T-Shirt
    Booze: Dry Red Wine
    Transportation: Public
    Location: Home
    Mood: Concerned


  • January 2004
  • February 2004
  • March 2004
  • April 2004
  • May 2004
  • June 2004
  • July 2004
  • August 2004
  • September 2004
  • October 2004
  • November 2004
  • December 2004
  • January 2005
  • February 2005
  • March 2005
  • April 2005
  • September 2005
  • November 2005
  • July 2006
  • September 2006


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    I like to know how much love I'm gettin'